Our Church

As I'm sure you could guess from this blog, I am more passionate about church than almost anything else. I'm especially keen to try and find ways of doing church that will work for everyday Aussies - at least 90% of whom would never set foot in a church building. The best way I've found so far is the simple church model, which is very different from the traditional Sunday-service setup.

We're very blessed to have a patient, flexible little church that meets in our house to experiment with (thanks guys!). It's adapting all the time, and here are some of the things we care about....

Becoming monks, cheerleaders and activists

Discovering together who God is and who we are in relation to him. Looking out for the people around us. Making a difference in the world.
Or to simplify it even more, we're just trying to live Jesus' way.

No mission without names

Actual people, not hypothetical ones.

We're all pastors

Everyone cares, teaches, prays, does mission, etc.

Small and simple

If we can't fit in a home, we'll start another group.


The most natural place for food, family, play, conversation.


Giving with no strings attached.

Train station

This last one's the most difficult, especially for a little group. People will come and go as their lives change, and that's ok.

Contact me if you have any questions or comments, or if you are in a simple church (however it looks) in QLD. The fantastic Postcard Radio team that I'm lucky enough to be part of are working hard to find and support these different expressions of church around Southeast QLD in whatever ways we can.

The Aussie church is changing. Pray for us as we negotiate the turns.

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