Friday 26 November 2010

Sunday Lunches

No Such Thing

The Prince

Hundreds of years before Jesus, the prophet Ezekiel reiterates the law for God's followers...

"The prince will be required to provide offerings that are given at the religious festivals, the new moon celebrations, the Sabbath days, and all other similar occasions. He will provide the sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, liquid offerings, and peace offerings to purify the people of Israel, making them right with the Lord."

- Ezekiel 45:17

The prince will provide everything that is needed to make people right with God. And when Jesus came, that's exactly what he did.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts from Annie Leonard

"Let's opt out of the frenzy this year.
"Our out-of-control consumption has taken a toll on the planet, on our family budgets, and on workers from FoxConn in China to Walmart in New York. And it has taken a toll on the quality of our lives at home.
"We have more and cooler stuff than our parents and grandparents could have ever imagined, but we pay dearly. We spend more time working and shopping than they did and we spend much less time in leisure, on vacation and with friends. What is the use of a brand new Pottery Barn table if we don't have a gang of friends and neighbors to gather around it?
"If we're going to figure out how to build an economy and society that is healthy for people and the planet, this Friday is a good place to start.
"Let's opt out of Black Friday. Choose family over frenzy."

- Annie Leonard, Choose Family Over Frenzy

Monday 1 November 2010

For the story to be great...

It isn't necessary to win for the story to be great, it is only necessary to sacrifice everything.

- from A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, by Donald Miller