Sunday, 27 November 2011

The Other Nine

This makes it pretty clear...

"Sunday morning in church is the one place where evangelism cannot take place in our generation because the lost are not there..." - from "Everyday Church," by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis

If you're in a church, what's your church's strategy for evangelism?

Most churches work on the evangelism strategy of "bringing people to us." But the fact is, this may only work for 1 out of 10 Aussies. The other nine won't set foot in a church building no matter how passionate the preaching, how inspiring the music, or how enjoyable the youth or children's program.

If this is something that troubles you as much as it does me, PLEASE start thinking about ways to be a church for the other nine. This is what we're trying to do in our local area.

Maybe you could start some experiments of your own. Maybe you could help your church start trying new ways to connect with the other nine - and not by trying to get them to your Sunday service. Or at the very least, start brainstorming ideas and send anything to me!

We're not going to be amazing at it at the start, but we need to start trying! Please join us if you think 90% of our country is worth it.

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