I was expecting to leave in some level of sadness because this Friday was a dark day in history. It's the day we reflect on Jesus' horrific death, crucified at the hands of the Romans, by his own people, though he did nothing to deserve it. I was expecting to feel some sense of connection with the evil in the world. We put him there, on that cross. Jesus' closest friends left him to die, and it would be arrogant of me to think that I would have done any different. As humans, this was our darkest hour.
But I was upset for much different reasons.
The message that came across over and over again in this service - through the words spoken, the reflective acts, the dramatic monologue, even the songs that were sung - was "It was all for you." Jesus died on the cross so he could be your personal saviour. It was your sin that put him there. Love for you that held him there. It was all about you. At one point we were left singing the refrain over and over again, "For me, for me, for me, for me..."
At this point, many of you are thinking, "So what? That's the truth isn't it?"
Many people won't see a problem with this message, because the same one is communicated every week. A bumper sticker I've seen lately (unfortunately my company sells it) reads, "Crown of thorns on his head, Cross of wood on his back, You on his mind."
Many Christians think the Gospel is: Jesus died so that we can have a personal relationship with God, and go to heaven when I die.
But that is the gospel isn't it?
To put it bluntly, no. That's not the gospel. There was a lot more going on that Friday than Jesus saving you - although that is a nice outcome.
Let me come at it from a different angle. I have three beautiful little daughters, and I love them dearly. But suppose I told my oldest daughter, "Lily, everything I do, I do it for you." Yes, there is some truth in that. I do love Lily, and there's a lot I would give for her. Much of what I do benefits Lily - working, praying, providing and so on. But to put it in those words - while there is some truth - is actually FALSE. There's a huge amount more going on, including my other kids, my wife, living for God and working to bring Jesus' kingdom to earth. To say something like this is just to pander to Lily's ego and make her feel good. Flattery, we call it.
The same thing was happening in that Good Friday service. Yes, you are saved because of Jesus' death on the cross, but to say that it was all for you is actually a long way off the truth.
Jesus didn't die JUST for your personal salvation. There's a MUCH bigger story than that. The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus was the inauguration of a new kingdom, a new world which will lead to the restoration and renewal of the whole of creation. The cross of Christ drew all the streams of the old testament stories and prophecy together into one glorious climax. The cross of Jesus was the ultimate turning point in the whole of history. Jesus' death and resurrection changed EVERYTHING. There is a new king and this is how he's bringing his kingdom in: sacrifice and incomprehensible love. "There is no greater love than this: for a man to lay down his life for his friends." The king put himself last and gave everything for the sake of others. And then defeated death itself.
And it was all about you? Please. How can Good Friday, of all days, turn into a message about us?
Perhaps the thing that angered me most is that we hear the same message over and over again from our culture: "It's all about you. You deserve it. You are the most important person in the world." They flatter us because it works.
And then we go to church and hear the same message? Even on Good Friday? If a rock band does this - just giving the people whatever they want - we call them a sellout.
Wake up Christians! It's not about you. There's only one person worthy, and he gave it all up for the world.
The same thing was happening in that Good Friday service. Yes, you are saved because of Jesus' death on the cross, but to say that it was all for you is actually a long way off the truth.

And it was all about you? Please. How can Good Friday, of all days, turn into a message about us?
Perhaps the thing that angered me most is that we hear the same message over and over again from our culture: "It's all about you. You deserve it. You are the most important person in the world." They flatter us because it works.
And then we go to church and hear the same message? Even on Good Friday? If a rock band does this - just giving the people whatever they want - we call them a sellout.
Wake up Christians! It's not about you. There's only one person worthy, and he gave it all up for the world.
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