Thursday, 28 April 2011

The Big Q: Apocalypt Now?

Here's something fun. Each week I'm going to put up a question for you to discuss. Love to hear what you think! Here's the first one....

On a global scale, it's been a devastating start to the year. We've had earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, bush fires, terrible political unrest.. To name a few. A couple of weeks ago the Sunday Mail published an article which stated that churches and ministers are saying these are all signs that the world is going to end soon.

Q. What are your thoughts? Are we in the last days?

(If you're a Christian, don't feel you have to give the stock answer. There are theologians on both sides of it!)


  1. Yes. We've been in the last days for the last 2000 years! I don't think the recent events are particularly pointing to the end of the world. There has been disasters and bad stuff happening for a long time, we're just more aware of them now via the internet and tv. They are just reminders that things will wrap up eventually.

  2. Last Days? Sure. Any time after the Ascension (or the Resurrection, depending on your calendar) counts as the Last Days. No need for any additional panic, I think.

    Certainly the "May 21" prediction should be ignored. You know, "thief in the night" stuff.
