Wednesday, 6 October 2010

A Prayer for Our Church

From "Living the Resurrection," by Eugene Peterson....

Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you with a deep sense of gratitude, care, concern, devotion, love for you, and desire to live responsively to you. We sense that we're with friends in your company of followers - friends who share the life of resurrection and want others to get in on it, notice it, and begin participating at the centre of what you're doing rather than on the periphery. We pray for strength and discernment to understand the culture we are in - the deadening effects, the seductive lures.... We ask your blessing on your church - scattered and dispersed and so much of it in despair. We pray that wherever we are and whatever places we go back into - whether it's pew or pulpit - we may be part of this resurrection life, knowing that you are present and doing your work. You're not anxious about what is going to happen or whether this is going to work or not. It's worked a long, long time and will continue working. Mostly, keep us faithful, attentive, adorational, sacrificial, and personal. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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