At the moment, I'm out of a ministry job, seeing as my last position finished up at the end of January. It's very sad, not having our own church family to be a part of. Thanks to our wonderful friends and family for being our Church in the meantime! We're so blessed to have you all.

I've been working on some songs lately, while I have a little time between jobs, and I'll put them up as soon as they're a little ready. Keep an eye out, then when they're up, have a listen and let me know what you think!
I'm also writing this so that hopefully it will motivate me to actually finish them. Some of these have been sitting around for months, maybe years....
On another note, I did manage to read through the Bible in the last year. It was actually a lot easier than I expected - only about 10-15min a day, thanks to the NLT One-Year Bible. I've never read so much of the Bible, so consistently, in my life, and it's been so good for my spiritual growth that I'm going to continue through this year too.
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