Thanks to Geoff for passing on this fun little game.
Type "Ben needs" (or your name) in Google and list the first 10 decent responses....
- Ben needs money for art supplies.
- What Ben needs right now more than anything is for the Boston Red Sox to win the World Series (I've "invested" a lot of money on that).
- Ben needs a crutch (hurt my leg trying to steal art supplies at the baseball).
- Ben needs body of steel (then I'd have no trouble pilfering stuff).
- Ben needs our support now (for my sore leg, and I really need to quit stealing because it's bad for me).
- Ben needs the beard back (kind of need to change my identity - no reason).
- Ben needs 14 stitches to close cut on forearm (there's got to be an easier way to get art supplies).
- Ben needs your vote to win composer of the year prize.
- Ben needs a bigger helmet (being an artist, composer, baseball fan and unsuccessful thief is perilous).
- Ben needs more orange and less finance (I've finally decided to just paint with fruit...).
Pablo Picasso called, he wants his 'painting with oranges' idea back.
ReplyDeleteOk, so I stole that too...
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm a little miffed he called YOU. I thought I was the genius.