It's now Day 6 of my month of prayer.
So far I've found it extremely difficult to do much praying. Even just getting onto Sacred Space for only 10 minutes has been a challenge. Each time I've managed to steal some time, Lily (my 1-year-old daughter) has been loudly expressing her neediness to me in the background. For goodness sake, child - it's only 10 minutes! Does it count if you ignore your child when you pray? Maybe not. God loves little children.
Actually, a couple of days ago when I was struggling to pray (and Lily was letting me know what that she would prefer it if I played with her), I actually felt like Jesus was saying, "Ben, just play with her. That's what I'd be doing."
Fair point, God.
If you can't see Jesus in your little daughter, how could you possibly see him in anything else?
I really do feel connected with God sometimes when I'm just hanging out with Lily, or sitting around with my wife, Tam. This might be something I could try and notice more this month.
It seems to be more often when we're doing something relaxing together, like reading a book to Lily, or just sitting chatting, or going for a walk. This month, I'll try and initiate a few more of these times.
I love your thoughts mate! (and the cool photos of Lily!)