Monday, 5 February 2007

a new story begins...

This is something written by a good friend of mine, Dennis Camenzuli. I love his writing!


for many years ... decades
I have lived in a dream

the dream of a community of love, freedom and mutual support.

the millions of people milling around in my dream were healthy
happy and without a care in the world.

their hearts never suffered the pain of reflection or question
there was abundant blessing poured forth on them

their only want was to dream of a want that was not already provided to them in abundance ...

they danced
clapped and were joyous

for indeed
they had been smiled upon
and were richly blessed ...

oh the land of milk and honey
how sweet you are ....

as I walked in my dream
I slowly became aware that the faces in my dream were constantly changing

the music was always strong and beautiful
and indeed the power of joy oozed from all in celebration

but then
at the turn of the head

another face was gone

and then another ...

I turned from the crowds
and walked in search of these lost faces ....

and there they were before me

smiling and clapping with sadness in their eyes
a hollowness behind the thin veil that I had never before seen ..

a paleness in their skin
whiteness almost bloodless
dark rings around their eyes ...
brighter than the glistening diamonds and gold of their kings ...


beneath their thin garments
could be seen
their shattered bones
their torn hearts and
their hopeless minds
trapped in cages

you are unwell ...

you are unwell ...

then my own reflection screamed at me

you are unwell ....

and I sought help from my leaders
from the healers
from those who held the keys
from the elders and the kings of the land

we see they replied
we can

and seek the holder of all for guidance
and for wisdom ...

how the cancer progresses
how the leprosy devours

but we have no solution
only platitudes
only weak comforts to offer

and we value the sick and the dying far too much to offer them a semblance of raw and untested hope
we dare not contaminate them with an idea of acceptance and embrace
should we fail them
oh no
we love and respect the sick too much to hear their speechlessness
we value them to much to destroy their pride

better to let them suffer till they are humbled ...

better leave them till we have resourced the best of hospitals
the best of surgeons
to attend their needs

but see
our own needs lie before us
and that which lies before us
lies more important then the needs of those who have greater needs...

our hearts are good
see how we have been blessed
for indeed we are well
we are rich
we do not hunger
or worry

no we trust
and because we trust we have no needs
or is it because we have no needs we trust ...

be off with you ...

we have no time for this

be joyous
as you wither and die in anguish
we have not yet found
the right way of administering the soothing oils

so we will not administer any soothing

till we can make it perfect

till we can find a way to honour God with it

till we can find a way to honour us before God ...

Be away with you

to the back of the crowd
where the sick and the needy and the hungry
where the misfits
the difficult
the troubled and the troublesome
can be forgotten
or at least contained ...

move away from me
for you make me uncomfortable

take the mirror from my heart
that I might not see how hard it has become
and that I might still believe that I am still human
still righteous
and still worthy.

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