Thursday, 8 June 2006

The Non-Religious God

I've been reading some of the Jesus stories in the gospels lately (the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), and I've been noticing more and more just how REAL everything is.

Jesus hung out with fishermen, tax collectors, prostitutes, lawyers, etc. And he was constantly going to parties with drunks, sailing across the sea smelling of fish, walking miles between cities and getting very dusty, sweaty and exhausted. These stories aren't just about religious ceremonies, or great epiphanies, or sacred rites, or mountaintop supernatural experiences for the spiritually elite. They tell of real, "unspiritual" people, in real life.

Jesus' parables and the entire God story relates to our everyday lives MORE than our church-on-Sunday "spiritual" lives. I like that about it.

P.S. To the "onlooker" who commented on the Braveheart post, thanks for your remarks! I agree that the church is not as effective as it could be - and in many ways is not an accurate representation of God in the world. Sadly, in some ways, we have actually lived exactly the opposite of the message of Christ (the "good news"). Speaking as one of those in the church, I am truly sorry that we have left so many people "bruised and battered" along the way. For a group of people who exist because of the love and grace of God, we have had some very sad moments in our history. I am deeply sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:48 pm

    Good points ben,

    TO find out what Chritianity should be all about we just need to look at the central event.

    What was Jesus' purpose in dying on the cross?

    It was NOT to create a priesthood, or establish a list of rules, or formalise a style of worship.

    He died to give dead souls life!

    That simple, a Christian is called to LIVE in Him not to wear funny hats, pray certain prayers or even sing certain songs. WE are to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. Love our enemies even though they dont deserve it and Love God with all our being.

