Friday, 31 July 2009

40hr Famine

Hi everyone,

I'm doing the 40hr famine this year (21-23 August), which is raising money to help people who've been hit by the global food crisis. There are currently more than 900 million chronically hungry people around the world, and approximately 1.4 billion in extreme poverty. That's awful.

Please sponsor me! I'm going without food for 40hrs, and our youth group is trying to raise $1000. Every $40 helps 5 children for 1 month. Please donate whatever you can! It's one little way we can make things a bit fairer in our world.

Click on the box on the right if you would like to give something. Anything is good - I think $2 is the minimum for online. Thanks!


Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Lily's World

Lily (after Isla sneezed on her): On no! Isla did bless on me!

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Three Huts

A man was stranded on a deserted Pacific island for years. Finally one day a boat comes sailing into view, and the man frantically waves and draws the skipper’s attention. The boat comes near the island and the sailor gets out and greets the stranded man.

After a while the sailor asks, “What are those three huts you have here?”
“Well, that’s my house there.”
“What’s that next hut?” asks the sailor.
“I built that hut to be my church.”
“What about the other hut?”
“Oh, that’s where I used to go to church.”

Thanks to Geoff Snook for this one!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Isla's World

Isla has a more simple world than Lily's. The other day Tam was feeding her, and she looked up at Tam and said, "Boooooooooooob."

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Lily's World

Lily (while playing with her doll's house the other day, and the TV was NOT on): We're watching ABC Kids!